Giving my perspective, there’s plenty of artists where “primarily associated with” isn’t particularly relevant – they release their work almost exclusively online (I’m thinking Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and such here) and rarely if ever play live. I have been filling the field with whatever’s listed on those pages if it’s not obviously false, but other editors have taken a couple of those and stripped them of everything but the country. It’s not been important enough to contest, but I would definitely appreciate a concrete decision one way or the other.
For your examples:
- I’d actually say this is what Artist.Area currently holds – “founded in” only applies with group artists; it’s replaced with “born in” for individuals, which is obviously not the same as “based in” (for either, really)
- This is the main argument for country-only, but I’m not convinced it’s as important; depending on what you’re interested in, you can typically figure it out by looking at the other associated areas, and if you can’t, how much of a role does it actually play?
- On the one hand, rather subjective – where do you draw the line between “scene” and “occasionally plays in”? – but on the other, probably one of the more relavant relationships for the listening-oriented users
- Not quite as important except in guessing nationality, but probably still important for the data-oriented users