Sorting in different folders by file type

I just updated the script to add an option in Line 90 to not sort the artist name when creating the file path. I think this accommodates your request.

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Sorry for delay in response, I had to focus on cancer situation for my sister. It may seem inconsequential to others but your quick replies / fixes … willingness to help … it just helps in ways you may not understand. Thank you!

That option did work for getting keeping the first name the output is not quite what I expected. The output leaves the artist under the first letter of their last name. I definitely understand that proper grammatical filing is by last name. My feeble brain doesn’t think of “McEntire” it goes to REBA. Though of course there are a few that I do think of by last name, McCartney being a perfect example. My question here is did I somehow tweak something that is causing it to sort by last name for the output? Also, if changing it is not real simple I can leave it and just manually move the folder/files after the save.

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Nope, the script still sorts by last name. If you want the sorting to be done by first name, you should change Line 228 to:

$set(_nInitial,~ $upper($firstalphachar(%_nPAA%,#)) ~/)

I have to say you’re THE MAN being so responsive and helpful is something I hope none of us and especially me every takes advantage of. I appreciate this and will implement this. I hope to spend some time really understanding your script so that I can help others and maybe suggest tweaks or options down the road.

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No problem. I’m happy to help out where I can, just like so many others. That’s what helps make the MetaBrainz community so awesome.


I have now added that as another option setting in the script in my GitHub repo. The revision also properly handles cases where the album artist starts with “A” or “The”, which the quick patch I posted for you earlier doesn’t.


Amazing … do you take other requests … Like winning lottery numbers. Seriously thanks! I did most a discussion over on your github directly related to your script (feature idea - not sure if possible and a User Guide which you might already have setup - what options are available to turn on, things like that).

post that is … hate fumble finger typos