Set not to follow

Hi everyone.

When using picard something I first go to musicbrainz site find the right album, select the tag then load all the file.
I really like to make picard not going again to find some other disc. I known they are some other releases for the same disc. But when I have a huge box (currently the 170 disc for collections by J.S Bach) I don’t want picard going to pick another release. I like picard to trust me when I say all disc will fit inside this album.
I didn’t find how to do that. Is that possible ?


If you have already manually loaded the release you want you can just drag and drop your files to this release. No need to use lookup and especially not scan in this case.

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Thanks…but well…I’ve got ~3500 files from this album (170 discs), so…it’s … not possible…:wink: :wink:

Welll…It’s just me to be too stupid…just find out I can drop all file on the icone of the folder…


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