Search frustrations

I have a file containing rows of title, artist, and release. For each row, I want to find the applicable record label and (if available) ISRC code. This would eventually be done using the API, but for testing purposes, I started out using the web-based search page.

This seemed easy enough. I wrote what I figured would be an effective Recording query, using one row’s worth of data as an example:

“Horse With No Name” AND artist:“America” AND release:“America” AND country:US AND type:album AND status:official

What I was expecting: 90141c46-0f99-4435-a90a-af666d6599b7
What I got: a whole pile of results, many of which disregard one or more of my search criteria

I know there must be something here I’m not understanding. Could someone please put me on the right path?

Don’t add the RELEASE bit into the search as that blocked the result.

“Horse With No Name” AND artist:America AND country:US AND type:album AND status:official

But, what if I’m looking for a particular recording, from a particular release? (My query was a recording query, not a release query.)

Your example screenshot shows a greatest hits release from 2004; the release name I specified in my (not working) query happened to be from 1971.

Here’s another sample from the data I’m working with: The title (recording) is “Sentimental Lady”, the artist is “Bob Welch”, the album (release) is “French Kiss”, released in 1977. The data sought is ISRC code of the recording, and label of the release.

By browsing the database via the web frontend, I know that the ISRC is “USCA28900206”, and the label is “Capitol Records”. What sort of query/ies would get me that information directly?

When I use your search query I get exactly one recording (90141c46-0f99-4435-a90a-af666d6599b7) as a result. You might have been confused by the list of releases that is also returned by the search. These are all the releases that contain the recording, you can simply ignore them if you are only interested in the recording and its ISRC.

The record label on the other hand can not be found as easy as it sounds because the label is associated with the release and not the recording. Also there are multiple different releases of the album America in MB, so the label is ambiguos.