There are a lot of samplers on Bandcamp. Importing with a script uses the album name from Bandcamp, which is often inconsistent or missing information. The only relevant rule I could find is from Style / Release - MusicBrainz “If several versions of a title are provided, such as when release title differs between cover and spine, […] it’s generally better to follow the more detailed one.”
For starters, there’s Transcending Obscurity Label Sampler - MusicBrainz which has the year switching from before or after “Label Sampler” which is kind of cute how it changes with even and odd numbers, until they break the pattern in 2024. But those names don’t sort well, in a file manager sorted by name 2018, 2020, and 2022 will appear after the rest. In addition, 2023 and following have the year in front in the title, but on the covers it comes last. Could those be renamed to follow a common pattern? And if so, which one?
Then there are releases like Release “Label Sampler” by Various Artists - MusicBrainz or Release “Free Sampler 2022” by Pelagic Records - MusicBrainz that don’t include the label in the title (though it is on the cover) - the second includes it as alias for “Various Artists” which might be used by tagging programs if it were used consistently, but that’s the only case I remember seeing. Pelagic has more samplers and the names are all over the place, both on Bandcamp and on the cover, until “Pelagic Label Sampler 2023/2024”. Is it OK to add the label to the title when it’s missing? What about cases where it isn’t on the cover?
Pay What You Want Sampler #2 (July 2019) | Various | Akuphone isn’t on MB yet, the other three parts are: Release “Akuphone Sampler #1 (June 18)” by Various Artists - MusicBrainz, Release “Akuphone Sampler #3: Autumn 2020” by Various Artists - MusicBrainz, and Release “Pay What You Want Sampler #4” by Various Artists - MusicBrainz. #1 has the month / year in brackets, #3 after a colon and the year modified to four places, #4 uses “Pay what you want” as name and doesn’t have a year. #2 has “July 2019” in the title, but “Summer 19” on the cover.
So could this second sampler be added as “Akuphone Sampler #2 (July 2019)”? And the others renamed to follow this scheme? “Akuphone Sampler #1 (June 2018)”, “Akuphone Sampler #3 (Autumn 2020)”, and “Akuphone Sampler #4”?