Replication packet order

I’m using the live data feed, in conjunction with mbslave to update a local copy of the MusicBrainz DB.

Specifically, the script downloads the following:

and it fails because it’s trying to refer to an artist_meta row before the artist row is created.

The file mbdump/dbmirror_pending contains the following lines:

283089582	"musicbrainz"."artist_meta"	i	7973179
283089583	"musicbrainz"."artist"	i	7973179

The file mbdump/dbmirror_pendingdata has the following corresponding lines:

283089582	f	"id"='1462001' "rating"= "rating_count"= 
283089583	f	"id"='1462001' "gid"='be509b67-e2af-4f7e-a2e1-f5a60e78655a' "name"='Michael Cent' "sort_name"='Cent, Michael' "begin_date_year"= "begin_date_month"= "begin_date_day"= "end_date_year"= "end_date_month"= "end_date_day"= "type"='1' "area"= "gender"='1' "comment"='' "edits_pending"='0' "last_updated"='2017-01-21 00:15:23.414876+00' "ended"='f' "begin_area"= "end_area"= 

The ‘i’ means “insert”, so it looks like it’s trying to insert an artist_meta, followed by an artist. The trouble is, the artist_meta row refers to the artist row before the artist row is inserted, leading to an Postgres IntegrityError.

Just to be clear, it’s trying to create a row in artist_meta with id = 1462001, but artist with id = 1462001 doesn’t exist yet!

Have I misunderstood how replication is supposed to work?

Or is this a bug in the replication tar file?

That’s exactly why slaves shouldn’t have foreign key constraints. :slight_smile:

Not sure how mbslave handles that, but if you create a slave database with the musicbrainz-server tools, no FKs will be defined.

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Thanks! Given that my DB already exists, should I manually drop all FK constraints? Or do you think it’s better if I do the DB import again from scratch?

I used to create and import the DB. Is there an option to create the DB without FK constraints? will look into the lib/ configuration file to determine the server type. It won’t create those constraints, triggers etc. if that is set to RT_SLAVE.

It is probably safest and easiest to drop the database and start again.