9. Singles and EPs
9.1. One track products must have matching product and track titles.
9.2. If a product contains 3 tracks or less, and has a total duration of 30 minutes or less,
must be specified as product type Single, unless the artist or label intend to release it
as an EP, in which case it must be specified as EP.
9.3. If a product contains 4 to 6 tracks, and has a total duration of 30 minutes or less,
must be specified as product type EP, unless the artist or label intend to release it as a
Single, in which case it must be specified as Single.
9.4. If a product contains the same track with different track versions must be specified as
Single, unless the artist or label explicitly call it an EP, in which case it should be
specified as EP.
9.5. If a product meets the criteria above, but are not set as product type Single or EP,
Spotify may choose to display the product as Single or EP.
9.6. If a product contains more than 6 tracks, or has a duration of more than 30 minutes, it
can also be specified as Single or EP, following the label or artist’s wish.
9.7. Singles and EPs must not have Single or EP in product title or version, unless it was
part of the original product title, such as Elastica - 6 Track EP.