Well, ideally those should also be merged away to keep the ID…
Ah okay, then, I see…
Of course that doesn’t apply if the release was voted down because it was a fake or whatnot But I think at first I’d just keep it simple, and if we see there’s a lot of those and are creating problems I can always restrict it later.
It reminds me we used to have a powerful tool to create our own reports (maybe we could even share them to all, I don’t remember), it was huge thing!
Hopefully people keep in mind that not everything on a report needs to be cleared - empty release groups are not necessarily wrong. Plenty in OP’s lists are valid, just empty because nobody has added a release yet.
I’m not sure those users who sometimes go a bit gung ho will read this, but I needed to get it out of my brain
Yes, probably often not delete, IMO it might be a report for either merging with existing RG or fill this RG with its original release, if you can.
I don’t use reports much, unfortunately, already not enough time for my collection edits.
I remember their existence each time there is a new one discussed, and I always think, wow, it sounds cool.
Well, the way of clearing those from the report is adding a release, as the report text will specify
Assuming the release is known/the editor has access to the release/the release is out. I have seen plenty of editors changing things for the worse because they think if it’s in a report it’s wrong/it needs to be cleared.
But it’s not the end of the world, I know the kind of people that MB attracts, and I share the impulse to “perfect” things
For what it’s worth, the report text also says “in most cases, a release can be added with some research, although this might not be possible for underdocumented or not yet released music”. That’s the best I can do to avoid these issues!