Publications accepted on BB

I just found a copy of a radio play (sort of) described as an audiobook:

Not at all. I just wanted to show that if an “audiobook” doesn’t have a printed equivalent the only way to make an “audible” edition of anything an “audiobook” is the description as such.
So, if we decide to add these recordings It just depends on the description someone added to the recording,
For example: Someone recites unpublished poems or stories and prints “audiobook” on the release, it will be an audiobook. Another one does the same and calls it “performance in theater abc” then it will be not an audiobook.
This is what I’m thinking about.


I understand what you were saying now. It is a good point and I don’t know the answer.

Similarly, currently there is nothing to prevent a lunatic from submitting a shopping list written in their own excrement.

There needs to be a consensus on what is acceptable and once that is decided then this information must be listed in the guidelines.

That won’t prevent unacceptable items from being submitted, but at least the contribution can be safely deleted with recourse to the guidelines. That is exactly what happened with newspapers on Bookogs.

I must admit that I had no idea that MB catalogues audiobooks (maybe I am not adventurous).

That might also apply to other people exploring BB for the first time, i.e. they have to make the connection between MB and a possible list of audiobooks.

If audiobooks on MB are to be accessed on BB via a link on the author page, then it is crucial that the link is added wherever possible. The downside of this system would be the uncertainty of the outcome. It becomes a game of chance as to whether clicking on the MB link yields a result (thrilling for some and frustrating to others).

Personally, I would like to see a list of audiobook/s appear on the applicable BB Work page. Maybe it is possible to migrate a copy of the current audiobook catalogue in MB to BB.

@indy133 has also made a valid point by questioning the definition of an audiobook which needs to be determined.

Something else that needs to be discussed is whether or not BB accepts offensive content, such as pornography and hate speech publications.

Clearly, child pornography is forbidden, but there are other forms of pornography that are quite extreme. Similarly, there are plenty of publications that are pure hate speech.

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It never dawned on me to check, but the Format ‘Audiobook’ exists as an option on the Edition editor page:

It is obvious someone expected and prepared for submissions of Audiobooks on BB!

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