Planning for Community Cleanup #3 (with poll!)

So, as we all know, Mahler went great. Thanks everyone, you’re fantastic! :confetti_ball::birthday::tada:

Which means it’s time to decide who we will be cleaning up in December. Since I am not sure if people are more willing to clean up in the holiday time or less, I’ve kept the relatively small (Mahler-sized) choices from last month, and added two larger, but probably doable options in Mendelssohn and Brahms. Let me know what you’d prefer! :slight_smile:

If someone is bored in the meantime, you can go fix all the kinda terribly entered Christmas releases we have, to get in the mood :christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree: (Corelli is probably a good entry point, and of course there is the graveyard of metadata that is [christmas music]).


Maybe useful stats (all numbers are in pages, i.e., the highest number showing in the page selector on the relevant tab)

Composer      Rec   Works   Releases
--------      ---   -----   --------
Dvořák        30    8       11 
Grieg         28    9       5
Prokofiev     29    10      8
Mendelssohn   47    12      9
Brahms        44    17      17

For what it’s worth, here is the count for each entity types (got them with MERGE HELPOR 2):

Composer Recordings Works Releases
Dvořák 2995 781 862
Grieg 2741 865 391
Prokofiev 2862 989 646
Mendelssohn 4682 1119 686
Brahms 4342 1672 1435