Performance Names and Legal Names in regards to works

First of all, what counts are the credits printed in the original liner notes.

The royalty collector browsable databases (ISWCnet, JASRAC, SACEM, etc.) just need to know which physical person to send royalties to.
This way they would expand band names to each band members even if it does make much sense, composition and lyrics wise.
They would also list several names of the same person, sometimes.
They would also list real names instead of artist names or, even worse, instead of some pen names.
They would list Public Domain (D.P.) instead of artists, once the delay has expired.

All that is good for them, they are not artist intent driven, they have a different purpose as us.
But it’s NO GOOD for us. :slight_smile:

Now if some Prince songs are credited to real name in booklet*, we have to follow that, indeed, using Artist Credits system.
It’s not yet perfect, there are tickets to improve stuff — like not having to type this or that real name or pen name by hand when it’s already in the alias list (can’t find this discussion back yet) or like showing it on the works page (MBS-8423), etc.

* For what it’s worth, it’s not the case of the very few things I own (BATMAN LP credits PRINCE and both my tape and CD of DIAMONDS AND PEARLS credit Prince And The New Power Generation).