MetaBrainz Meeting 2016-05-02
Meeting start: IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
- Reviews
- New Search Servers?
- AE elections
- made some changes to MBS so asterix doesn’t explode when someone requests an audiobook
- investigated some issues with the CAA and missing index.json files. @reosarevok pinged the IA about connection timeouts there, not sure what the status is
- @reosarevok: Reported deeper into the IA, no more news yet, is the status
- finally fixed the last reported issue with the new AC editor on the beta server
- submitted both schema change PRs assigned to me, just the SQL parts
- the UI might be delayed a couple weeks since I had to work on other stuff
- extracted common functionality from our Python apps into a separate package: GitHub - metabrainz/brainzutils-python: Python utilities for MetaBrainz projects
- implemented oauth for meb
- and done a bunch of other improvements there
- started writing that webapp for the office without electricity
- fixed mbspotify, which was broken for some reason
- ported memcached wrapper to python 3
- finished college work
- agenda for coming week:
- Complete the PR stuff, its been a while i worked on them. They have been open for a while now.
- Discuss the project idea with @Rob, and plan things before coding period starts
- discussed project with @gentlecat and received some good advices on how to improve te proposal
- started to look into the jira system and identified somo issues that are related to datasets in AcousticBrainz
- working with the AcousticBrainz server and started creating my development environment
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
- finished off with my exams last week
- this week i plan to get AB-63 merged, after which we will have a nice page on acousticbrainz which will show a list of all public datasets
- also finalize everything about the project with @alastairp
New search servers
As @weeksio dropped out of this year GSoC, @Zas wanted to know what our plan was regarding the new servers.
@Rob stated that he “might just need to bit the bullet and take on this project myself.” @Bitmap stated that once MBS-8736 had been submitted, he’d have more capacity to help out with search server issues as well. @Rob affirmed that the new SOLR search server needs to be up for our move to NewHost.
Autoeditor elections
@reosarevok and @Freso talked a bit over the weekend about the current state of affairs with regards to autoeditor elections and came up with a temporary workflow until it can get automated again.
This was approved by the meeting and is explained in more details in this blog post: Temporary autoeditor election procedure – MetaBrainz Blog