there is a “named after” relation ship between a place and an artist.
but that relation ship is always “place” is named after “artist”.
it is not possible to have an “artist” is named after “place”.
(or the ui doesn’t alow it at least)
there is a “named after” relation ship between a place and an artist.
but that relation ship is always “place” is named after “artist”.
it is not possible to have an “artist” is named after “place”.
(or the ui doesn’t alow it at least)
if you’re familiar with creating tickets on Jira, you can create a ticket for a new relationship linked to this one (Reo said they wouldn’t add new ones without knowing examples exist, so give a couple examples)
(to create a linked issue, look under the “More” menu at the top of the ticket, then “Create linked issue”)
you might also create one for areas, but that’s up to you