Thanks for that fix @yvanzo
Do you know a reason why there are still many gaps between the numbers for DB and INDEX with the newest available dumps?
admin/check-search-indexes all
editor OK 0 /0
instrument OK 1008 /1008
series -- 13930 /13951
place -- 48479 /48524
event -- 53977 /54004
tag -- 98843 /110667
area OK 118563 /118563
label -- 206949 /207198
cdstub -- 288476 /288470
annotation -- 481061 /438362
work -- 1543614 /1544272
artist -- 1861509 /1863047
release-group -- 2329711 /2332074
release -- 2959583 /2962386
url -- 7988848 /8001129
recording -- 25309209 /25326734
Most of the DB numbers are larger, with the exception for CDSTUB and ANNOTATION (and the OK lines). What could be the reason for this difference?