New plugin "Statistics"

I downloaded the code, made a ZIP, installed it.

I added a few directories to Picard. The results appeared in the right panel.

Then I select the albums, right-click, and Picard closes.

Here’s the debug:

D: 22:12:42,961 tagger.__init__:315: Starting Picard from 'C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\picard\\tagger.pyc'
D: 22:12:42,961 tagger.__init__:316: Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 CPython 3.8.10
D: 22:12:42,961 tagger.__init__:318: Versions: Picard 2.12.3, Python 3.8.10, PyQt 5.15.10, Qt 5.15.2, Mutagen 1.47.0, Discid discid 1.2.0, libdiscid 0.6.4, astrcmp C, SSL OpenSSL 1.1.1b  26 Feb 2019
D: 22:12:42,961 tagger.__init__:319: Configuration file path: 'C:/Users/Piotr/AppData/Roaming/MusicBrainz/Picard.ini'
D: 22:12:42,961 tagger.__init__:321: User directory: 'C:\\Users\\Piotr\\AppData\\Local\\MusicBrainz\\Picard'
D: 22:12:42,961 tagger.__init__:322: System long path support: True
D: 22:12:42,961 tagger.__init__:325: Qt Env.: QT_PLUGIN_PATH='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\PyQt5\\Qt5\\plugins'
D: 22:12:42,961 i18n.setup_gettext:153: UI language: system
D: 22:12:42,961 i18n._log_lang_env_vars:138: Env vars: 
D: 22:12:42,961 i18n.setup_gettext:161: Trying locales: ['pl_PL']
D: 22:12:42,977 i18n.setup_gettext:167: Set locale to: 'pl_PL'
D: 22:12:42,977 i18n.setup_gettext:178: Using locale: 'pl_PL'
D: 22:12:42,977 i18n._load_translation:125: Loading gettext translation for picard, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='pl_PL'
D: 22:12:42,977 i18n._load_translation:125: Loading gettext translation for picard-attributes, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='pl_PL'
D: 22:12:42,977 i18n._load_translation:125: Loading gettext translation for picard-constants, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='pl_PL'
D: 22:12:42,977 i18n._load_translation:125: Loading gettext translation for picard-countries, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='pl_PL'
D: 22:12:42,977 i18n.setup_gettext:201: _ = <bound method GNUTranslations.gettext of <gettext.GNUTranslations object at 0x000001FFAC4979D0>>
D: 22:12:42,993 i18n.setup_gettext:202: N_ = <function <lambda> at 0x000001FFAA0D9EE0>
D: 22:12:42,993 i18n.setup_gettext:203: ngettext = <bound method GNUTranslations.ngettext of <gettext.GNUTranslations object at 0x000001FFAC4979D0>>
D: 22:12:42,993 i18n.setup_gettext:204: gettext_countries = <bound method GNUTranslations.gettext of <gettext.GNUTranslations object at 0x000001FFAC497AF0>>
D: 22:12:42,993 i18n.setup_gettext:205: gettext_attributes = <bound method GNUTranslations.gettext of <gettext.GNUTranslations object at 0x000001FFAC4977C0>>
D: 22:12:42,993 i18n.setup_gettext:206: pgettext_attributes = <bound method GNUTranslations.pgettext of <gettext.GNUTranslations object at 0x000001FFAC4977C0>>
D: 22:12:42,993 webservice._network_accessible_changed:388: Network accessible requested: 1, actual: 1
D: 22:12:43,024 webservice.set_cache:410: NetworkDiskCache dir: 'C:/Users/Piotr/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/cache/network/' current size: 90.0 MB max size: 100 MB
D: 22:12:43,024 pluginmanager.load_plugins_from_directory:264: Looking for plugins in directory 'C:\\Users\\Piotr\\AppData\\Local\\MusicBrainz\\Picard\\plugins', 1 names found
D: 22:12:43,024 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_actions register <- plugin='stat' item=<picard.plugins.stat.AlbumsStats object at 0x000001FFAC519160>
D: 22:12:43,024 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Albums Statistics' version 0.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.2
I: 22:12:43,024 pluginmanager.load_plugins_from_directory:252: Plugin directory 'C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\plugins' doesn't exist
D: 22:12:43,024 ui/playertoolbar.__init__:91: Internal player: QtMultimedia available, initializing QMediaPlayer
D: 22:12:43,052 ui/playertoolbar.__init__:98: Internal player: available, QMediaPlayer set up
D: 22:12:43,316 tagger.main:1576: Looking for Qt locale pl_PL in C:/Program Files/MusicBrainz Picard/PyQt5/Qt5/translations
I: 22:12:43,320 browser/browser.start:121: Starting the browser integration (
D: 22:12:43,363 config.event:261: Config file update requested on thread 3032
D: 22:12:45,225 ui/mainwindow.auto_update_check:1786: Skipping startup check for program updates.  Today: 2024-11-06, Last check: 2024-11-04 (Check interval: 7 days), Update level: 0 (stable)
D: 22:12:45,225 config.event:261: Config file update requested on thread 3032
D: 22:13:19,726 config.event:261: Config file update requested on thread 3032

I didn’t succeed with Github Desktop, so I’ll post the code here.

I added the 19 line super().__init__()

and I detected that setCounter causes Picard to crash.

PLUGIN_NAME = "Albums Statistics"
PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION = "Summarises the status of selected albums e.g. Changed?, Complete? Error?"
PLUGIN_LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-or-later"

from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel, QGridLayout, QWidget
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QIcon

from picard.ui.itemviews import BaseAction, register_album_action

class AlbumsStats(BaseAction):
    NAME = "Albums Statistics"

    def __init__(self):

        # Create grid hidden
        self.grid = QGridLayout()
        self.grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("The status of the selected Albums is as follows:")), 0, 0, 1, 3)

        self.addGridRow(1, ":/images/22x22/media-optical.png",
            _("Incomplete & unchanged"))
        self.addGridRow(2, ":/images/22x22/media-optical-modified.png",
            _("Incomplete & modified"))
        self.addGridRow(3, ":/images/22x22/media-optical-saved.png",
            _("Complete & unchanged"))
        self.addGridRow(4, ":/images/22x22/media-optical-saved-modified.png",
            _("Complete & modified"))
        self.addGridRow(5, ":/images/22x22/media-optical-error.png",
        self.addGridRow(6, "",

        self.grid.addWidget(QLabel("Total"), 6, 2)

        self.window = QWidget()
        self.window.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 200)
        self.window.setWindowTitle(_("Albums Statistics"))

    def addGridRow(self, row, icon_location, description):
        icon = QLabel()
        if icon_location:
        self.grid.addWidget(icon, row, 0)

        self.grid.addWidget(QLabel(""), row, 1)

        self.grid.addWidget(QLabel(description), row, 2)

    def setCounter(self, row, count):
        counter = self.grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1)

    def callback(self, objs):
        incomplete_unchanged = incomplete_modified = complete_unchanged = complete_modified = errored = 0

        for album in objs:
            if album.errors:
                errored += 1
            elif album.is_complete():
                if album.is_modified():
                    complete_modified += 1
                    complete_unchanged += 1
                if album.is_modified():
                    incomplete_modified += 1
                    incomplete_unchanged += 1

        total = incomplete_unchanged + incomplete_modified + complete_unchanged + complete_modified + errored
        self.setCounter(1, incomplete_unchanged)
        self.setCounter(2, incomplete_modified)
        self.setCounter(3, complete_unchanged)
        self.setCounter(4, complete_modified)
        self.setCounter(5, errored)
        self.setCounter(6, total)


The setText command causes Picard to close abruptly.

I temporarily replaced setText with self.grid.addWidget(QLabel(str(count)), row, 1)

def setCounter(self, row, count):
        #counter = self.grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1)
        #self.grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(QLabel(str("")), row, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(QLabel(str(count)), row, 1)

Picard and the plugin works, but there is again problem with clearing the previous count value.

I can see immediately from the screen shot why these recent code changes are creating problems - and I am sure that if I did some research I could work out why my original code has an issue…

However if you are wanting my help, then I am sorry but given your previous attitude and lack of remorse or apologies I am unwilling to be involved any further with this plugin.

Good luck.

P.S. It does look like adding super().__init__() was a good thing - I should have included it.

You too. In short U2.

You too. In short U2.

Well, that was a rather rude response - clearly NOT wanting to make things right.

Which is a pity, because I think I know what two things were missing from my code and are causing it to fail.