Musical television shows

The new Works were to allow the extra attributes (disambig info and link to complete Soundtrack work) more than a belief that they were truly unique.

I think there’s a solid line between “a film/show that uses existing music as could be played off a CD” (diagetically or otherwise) and “a film/show that has brand new performances of existing music”. I don’t intend for this to cover the first type in any way.

I think its clear from this that using Works like I have isn’t right for the TV equivalent of a jukebox musical - if this was a stage show, it would have the ‘grouping’ aspect covered through either an official soundtrack release, or a bootleg entry doing the same. I can run through the new works and Merge them later on.

Is there a best way to do an equivalent for this grouping then - a Broadcast Soundtrack RG per episode perhaps? Maybe marked as pseudo-release? (Bootleg doesn’t feel right, the TV eps are really released.) And a series to in turn group those up? (ZEP has the benefit of real-world releases for each individual ep, but that’s not true broadly for all shows of this type.)

MB just has its own definition of Soundtrack that does not include music not written for the show. Even if it was performed as part of the show.

A “Broadcast Soundtrack” would trip over that same issue as “Film Soundtrack”.

I would be all for there to be some way of including the music in a Soundtrack, but it is just not how MB’s definition works. It seems odd to me there is no clear way to say “this song was part of this film”.

Hopefully some of those editors will drop in and explain better why music in a show is not part of the soundtrack. :slight_smile: I’m not very good at defending it.

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Sorry, with that I meant a Broadcast Release Group that had the attribute Soundtrack, similar to e.g. Pulp Fiction CD releases: Release group “Pulp Fiction: Music From the Motion Picture” by Various Artists - MusicBrainz

And not a Work Soundtrack which i understand can only include original music now as that has a narrower MusicBrainz definition in that context.

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Okay. I get what you are saying. Release Group soundtrack. (soz, been a long day and I prob misreading stuff)

Pseudo-release is intended only for translated/transliterated tracklists so it would not be applicable here.

A Broadcast+Soundtrack RG sounds reasonable to me, and definitely preferable to creating new Works.

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