LLM/‘AI’ Code of Conduct/Guidelines

Okay aerow,

Let me bring you guys a REAL example.
Considering this post mine:
Is Digital Media good name? - #46 by Ketaros

  1. I wrote it in Portuguese, because is where I can organize my ideas perfectly and express better.
  2. I copied this text and I use free AI translator wordvice.ai to translate it to English.
  3. I copied then on Grammarly Go, to bring back the assertiveness I wanted.
  4. After this this I did a final revision, changing some bits here and there, and posted.

Please, read the final result, you may say you don’t like how it sounds, you may disagree with the ideas and suggestions there, but saying it’s a forbidden or invalidate the post because my process have used 2 AI tools… or that you are talking to a LLM I am sorry… that makes no sense… I can’t see why. There is not a single idea, opinion or suggestion there, that is not 100% mine.
