Is it ok to create a new artist for a duo?

that’s how I always do it. If I owned this place, I would tell you NEVER create a new entity for a duo, use the 2 artists, they will show up on both. I am always thinking can a visitor find a release, can a visitor look up the achievements of an artist, can a release get lost or hard to find. The answer is make a new entity for a duo, the sure way to add the screw up possibility to the best of intentions.

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Do whatever highstrung says!

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Can we add this to the guidelines? :laughing:

Seriously, though, I don’t agree we should never create entities for duo acts. There’s some threads around the forum (search for Hall & Oates or Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince) but in short, when there’s a significant body of work and/or external links specific to the duo, it’s best treated as an artist.

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I evaluate each situation individually
If I made a general statement that was mistake
Hall and Oats I agree with you
Their solo work is barely of significance, they performed exclusively as duo for many years