- Which VM image/version do you use?
The official VM from 2017-09-07 that linked here.
So I downloaded the latest image and tried again:
Database docker container is running and listening on port 5432 - but there’s no musicbrainz container running…
So I updated /musicbrainz/musicbrainz-docker/indexer-dockerfile/Dockerfile as I read here and ran:
Now also the musicbrainz container is running.
So I tried
cd musicbrainz/musicbrainz-docker
docker-compose exec musicbrainz /recreatedb.sh -fetch
but I got only errors…
So I tried to edit /musicbrainz/musicbrainz-docker/musicbrainz-dockerfile/scripts/createdb.sh as followed:
But still I get the same errors as before. I even tried another reset-containers