How to FIX incorrect track length with correct Disc ID TOC lengths

I have a group where the track legths are way off.

I’ve corrected the vinyl copies, but the CD versions have incorrect lenghts and have disc IDs attached, so I can not edit the lenghts directly. The interesting thing is, the Disc IDs TOC show the correct lengths.

What would be the best way to fix this without removing the Disc IDs (which I didn’t want to do).

Thanks in advance.

On the DiscID page, there are links “Set track lengths” for each release the DiscID is associated with.


You are the BEST !
I knew there was an easy solution.

Thanks alot.


On that matter, @chirlu, tell me how you think.

I was planning to add such a feature to a script of mine but it would feel even better integrated into MBS (maybe I can even do pull request, really I am not sure as I don’t know the language of MBS).

IMO Set track lengths links belong to the Release’s Disc IDs tab’s Edit column, not to the Disc ID page’s Edit column.

I think we should move those, really. :slight_smile:

It’s not only more convenient (for me):

Indeed you expect an editor with their CD wants to apply the TOC from their release cdtocs.
You don’t want an editor to apply a cdtoc to a bunch of releases (it’s even difficult to find the correct release usually in there, you have to look at the URL for not doing any mistakes).


It might make sense, I guess.

The way to make it (eventually) happen is to open a ticket about it. :slight_smile:

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Reviving the old thread…


  • The real length of the track 12 is 6:52 (correct in DiskID).
  • This track is used by 2 releases: Brilliant Classics “Tchaikovsky Edition” as of 2011 and as of 2014.
  • On the CD cover of 2011 edition the time is wrongly printed as “9:51” (wrong minutes, nearly correct seconds). Currently the track length is entered like this, that is with an error.
  • On the CD cover of 2014 edition the time is printed as “6:51” (just 1 second difference from the actual track length, maybe slightly different rounding, or a part of a gap between tracks is not counted).
  • If I use the suggestion from the discussion above and click on “Set track durations”, duration of other tracks on the CD is changed as well, changes are 1-2 seconds. Currently the length of all tracks is as printed on the CD cover, which is in many cases 1-2 seconds different from what is in the DiskID.

Question #1: if track length printed on the CD cover slightly differs from the actual track length (difference < 5 seconds), which length is preferred?

Question #2: if the printed length is preferred, how could I fix a length of just one track on CD which is linked to a DiskID, as in the described case?

Disc ID track times are preferred when there is only one assigned to the medium and the add Disc ID edit was good.

If the confirmed correct Disc ID has significant difference with the printed times, it is good to explain it in the release annotation.


The actual track length is preferred. Errors regarding track length are quite common, but it doesn’t make sense to give a wrong track length in the database if the exact one is known. A 3 minute difference could be worth mentioning in the annotation, though.