How to credit artists printed as member of a group on the cover?

Here are some examples of artist credits as they might be printed on album covers:

  1. Poet of Screwball
  2. Poet (Screwball)
  3. Screwball (Poet, Hostyle, KL & Solo)
  4. Poet, Hostyle, KL & Solo (Screwball)

Intuitively I’d credit them as:

  1. Poet of Screwball
  2. Poet (Screwball)
  3. Screwball (Poet, Hostyle, KL & Solo)
  4. Poet, Hostyle, KL & Solo (Screwball)

Though that’s not very consistent.
Should I credit the individual artist(s) and the group in all of these cases or should I maybe credit only the artist in the first two and only the group in the next two cases?

PS: Bonus question: How about “Hostyle Featuring Kyron, KL of Screwball (Kamakazee)” (Kamakazee being a duo consisting of Screwball members Kyron (=Solo) and KL.

This is how I did it for now:

Atist crédit for “Artist (Band)”, “Artist from Band” and “Artist (of/from Band)” are all mean that it is the Artist that is featured, not the Band the Band name is only here to disambiguate or as a hint to recognise the otherwise not so famous Artist.
So this text should link to the artist (member) URL, not to the band URL at all.

Poet (Screwball)


So: Examples 1 and 2: just the artist and example 3 and 4: group and artists?
And bonus example: Artists and both groups?

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Yes for 1 2 3 4 but I would link Kamakazee in bonus but not Screwball, fort the same reason as 1 2.
Just my idea, here.

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