a tip for those of us with local libraries, there is a Picard plugin (thread here) for submitting genre tags (and other tags like moods, styles, keywords, and more, if desired) made by @Victini. just look for Submit Folksonomy Tags in the list of plugins~ (it does require loading everything you wanna submit and manually running the plugin from the context menu, but I think it’s quite easy myself~)
I understand the reasoning here, but I want to be sure that genres are still visible on the YiM 2024 (even if they’re not so front-and-center). if they get left off, I could see them becoming forgotten by many users and not getting the egg for their chicken
I’ve actually had this same idea myself, and almost made a ticket for it (but haven’t yet…)
another thought about genres, I think part of the issue is oftentimes you’ll have users tagging genres as well as subgenres on the same entity (for example, tagging rock
, soft rock
, and pop rock
on Rumors by Fleetwood Mac*). fairly frequently the supergenre has more tags than the subgenre. I wonder if it might make sense to filter out the supergenres when this happens, perhaps that might improve the genre part of YiM? might be worth testing at least~