
Thanks for those tips. I am able to now rename properly; seems that I was missing couple of checkmarks/options.

  • Learned that by selecting the songs that have not mapped automatically (those with the music note), dragged-dropped on top of the song name, and it became ready to rename.
  • Ended up using the following for what I wanted as a filename:
    [$if2(%originalyear%,$left(%date%,4),0000)] %album%/
    $if($gt(%totaldiscs%,1),%discnumber%-,)$if($ne(%albumartist%,),$num(%tracknumber%,2) - ,)$if(%_multiartist%,%artist% - ,)%title%

Now I am trying to include album covers on EACH song, but it seems that only the 1st song is taking in the cover. I did follow: but I am not able to get the other songs to add the album cover to each song.


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