Explanation of the number next to the link

General question: why cheat the link click tracker?

Likes on forum posts are personal. But not everyone wants everyone to know that they like someone.

However, “link likes” are anonymous. Maybe only the Lead Admin knows who was interested in a given link. :wink:

I was just sharing this as a possible drawback of using middle-click.
So I mean also this click count does not mean much.

I’m used to use middle-click, because it opens a new tab in background, without needing a second hand to press a Ctrl or Apple button while left-clicking (normal shortcut to open link in background tab).

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@reosarevok @Freso, the MetaBrainz style Dark and Light themes must be fixed.

Discourse changed the way the counter is displayed, it is no longer a span.clicks, it is now a[data-click]::after.

There is no settings to disable click counter, but they were hidden in this forum here, until Discourse changed how click counts are displayed, in October.

I didn’t find the source code of the MetaBrainz Discourse themes but, they might contain something like:

.post-links-container ul li .clicks {
	display: none;

According to a Discourse team member, that should be replaced, by :

a[data-clicks]::after {
	display: none;

Jesus, that wasn’t an accusation against you. :wink:

Rather my surprise, why the creators of this “invention” allowed for the possibility of cheating their own work.

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