DSD Files support

I’m a newbie to MusicBrainz Picard and I got it to try to sort out my hd audio library. I have several DSD files but it appears they are not analyzed.
Is it correct? what am I missing?

While the flac work well

FLAC will work. I have no idea what file formats are used to store DSD data and cannot find much information on this.

He means .dsf and .dff formats

Correct. I have a lot of DSF files and they are not read :frowning:

Hello to all,
I also have a good number of DSF files coming from the SACD ripping.
I do not want to convert the format from DSD to PCM, the media servers I use (LMS, Daphile and Native Synology) are perfectly capable of handling these files natively.
Searching on the net I found a plugin but it no longer seems to be maintained, this: https://github.com/hank/dsf2flac/issues/8#issuecomment-347037007.
Another github user has made updates (https://github.com/aidan-g/dsf2flac/commit/b611125ec3766fdd0beba978af3239bd808b347d) but the plugin does not seem to work well.
When the plugin applies the metadata found, result in ID3v2 tags are not properly formatted, in fact MP3Tag declares tag formatting errors.
Does anyone have the skills to solve the problem?
Thanks bye.


That’s pretty interesting, I have never seen this plugin before and also am not aware of any attempt to bring this functionality into Picard, which is a shame. Also no ticket in the issue tracker.

I added https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/PICARD-1187 for this. Unfortunately I don’t think I can work on this.

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mutagen supports DSF: http://mutagen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/dsf.html


Awesome, didn’t know they added this.