Does length of applause make a different recording? (asked again)

For bootlegs can’t it be different recording sources (very different sounds because not same placements, persons, in the audience), even with same times?


Indeed to be precise I was saying to merge only bootlegs from same source, in the example upper it was said they all came from same vinyl and only the split between tracks was different


I have merged the recordings from the initial example (+1 min of applause), but I think, I will separate them again for a mere technical reason. If you try to add the 19 min Vinyl track to the median length 18 min recording, you will not find it in the pick list (indexed search), not even if there’s no similar titled recording. As soon as another Vinyl release is added, there will be a 19-minute recording again, because the 18-minute recording wasn’t found.
The one-minute-less-applause version should be an “edit of” the other.

But the problem remains with appended silence. You can’t honestly say the track without silence is a different recording. :thinking:


No. I’m saying that silence is the same recording, definitely. Just remember to add an annotation so that it doesn’t get separated out by the editors that only look at time.

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A failing in the GUI should not be a reason to artificially split the recording again. There are many bugs like that in the GUI and plenty more tickets to fix that kind of limitation. As long as the disambiguration describes the gig then it should give a good chance of it being selected.


Indeed, fingerprints differ when there are different portions of applause prepended. However, they do match with an offset like e.g. Compare fingerprints #20590064 and #46982119 | AcoustID (move down by 115). That’s another reason for me to merge them.

I fully agree with Ivans statement:


Yes, and of course these should remain separate.

In many cases, the sources are well documented, e.g. for almost all Depeche Mode live performances at

An example is,_Milan,_Italy/Source_1
Both sources are represented by a release with recordings properly separated: