Discography of American Historical Recordings artist IDs

Greetings, I’m the project manager for the Discography of American Historical Recordings (DAHR) (adp.library.ucsb.edu) based at UC Santa Barbara. We recently completed a linked data project and added about 7700 MB IDs to our database. We harvested the matches on the Library of Congress authority file numbers which are common to both databases. See this example: https://adp.library.ucsb.edu/index.php/mastertalent/detail/103374/Carter_Benny.

I also noticed in the MB JIRA system that DAHR has recently been whitelisted as a data source (https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Other_Databases_Relationship_Type/Whitelist).

I think this could be useful to add to the External Links section of the relevant artist pages in MB. I don’t know how to do it, other than manually. But I’d be happy to provide this data to the MB community.

-David Seubert