Disable Android "Now Playing" Passive Listens

This appears to be a different bug, and the app may be picking up random notifications. Here is an example where it logged my password database as a listen…

  "track_metadata": {
    "track_name": "Database opened",
    "artist_name": "(V2 - KDBX3.1)",
    "additional_info": {
      "media_player": "KeePassDX",
      "submission_client": "ListenBrainz Android",
      "submission_client_version": "2.4.1",
      "recording_msid": "db8844f9-25dc-41a1-a3ba-3482d0089fc9"
  "listened_at": 1702834878,
  "recording_msid": "db8844f9-25dc-41a1-a3ba-3482d0089fc9",
  "user_name": "mukti",
  "inserted_at": 1702834968

I’m going to disable the app for now because of this - I would rather not have random notifications logged to my profile, in case it mistakenly leaks some more personal information.

This may be related to another issue reported by a user here: Exclude podcasts from listens? - #6 by Goose90053