Database "bookbrainz" does not exist

Hey everyone , I am Dipesh Jaiswal from LDRP, India. I am new here and want to contribute to the BookBrainz. I have setup the bookbrainz-site, but I am getting this on the localhost:9099.

Can anyone suggest me what to do next ?

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Hi and welcome @dipscoder!

Have a look at the readme and make sure you followed these steps to initialize the database:

That should get you all sorted !

Thanks @mr_monkey for your reply. I have done the setup by following the readme and my API is running :smile:, but on http://localhost:9099/ I getting the following error,

Also I don’t know what to do with the “latest database dump” which I downloaded from

Well the ./scripts/ script should automatically set up the database as well as download and apply the latest dump by itself, without requiring anything more from you.

Did you run the script?
Seeing that your database is only partially set up, from what I can tell (bookbrainz database exists, but not the revision table) I would recommend you to run the script again and let it download and apply the dump for you.

If you get blocking errors in the process, you can start from scratch by removing the docker database volume :

  • docker volume ls to list volumes
  • find the name of the postgres volume, something like bookbrainz-site_postgres-data
  • remove it: docker volume rm bookbrainz-site_postgres-data in this case
  • then run the ./scripts/ script again and wait for it to be completely done (there are three steps: build images, create database, download and apply latest db dump)

It’s Working!! Thank you so much @mr_monkey :smile:
So, thrilled that I can contribute now.