Data tracks

Special purpose track style says:

If an audio CD contains a data track at the end which is not visible
in an audio CD player, it should not be included in the main part of the
tracklist. If the data track contains audio or video tracks,
those tracks should be entered in the data tracks section of the
tracklist (enabled by selecting the “This disc contains data tracks at
the end” option in the release editor). If an audio CD contains a
data track which is visible in an audio CD player (typically as the
first track), use [data track] as the track name. If the data track is
on a Various Artists release, use [data] as the artist for the track.

I’m wondering how relevant this part still is now that we have proper data tracks. Consider this release. According to the album art, there are three tracks, two normal audio and a third as a video (it’s an enhanced CD). I’m pretty sure that the data track will not show up in a CD player (but I can’t test that, I don’t own it), but I also think we have data tracks for exactly this reason. However the guideline seems to forbid this use. How should I proceed and should the guideline be amended?


“If the data track contains audio or video tracks,
those tracks should be entered in the data tracks section of the
tracklist (enabled by selecting the ‘This disc contains data tracks at
the end’ option in the release editor).”

explicitly cover and allow this use?

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Are you referring to this part?

It shouldn’t, but it should be included

(as I learned how a few days ago)!

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I read past “main part” of the track list. So the guideline does cover this case, thank both of you for pointing that out.

I wonder if it could be worded better. Maybe something like

  • Only CDDA tracks should be entered in the main part of the track list.
  • Additional Video and audio tracks included on the data section (aka CD-Extra) should be included in the data tracks section of the tracklist.