Connecting MusicBrainZ database to my QSONIX-Q205 Music Server

Greetings to all, I am a Newbie, and would greatly appreciate anyone’s help…
I have a 12 yr. old QSonix Q205 Music Server. The company collapsed 10+ yrs ago. Their server is a custom GUI on top of a single use Windows XP OS. When booting it up, the box would automatically connect to a “server” that contained data of Cover Art, Album track lists,etc. …

Is there a way for me to point the QSonix to the MusicBrainz directory, so I could retrieve the same information ?

Thanks to all very much for your anticipated help. Cheers and Happy New Year to everyone !


Short version - probably not.

Longer version - how good are you are reverse engineering network comms? Wireshark to see what the requests are, redirecting the web URL at you local DNS level, crafting a local server to translate from QSonix to MB data base… many hours of project there.

The trouble is the QSonix box will talk to its own server in a different way than the MusicBrainz server expects. Not simple to translate that.

It makes more sense to ready your local data with folder.jpg or whatever the QSonix used to do. Before importing the music into the QSonix use Picard to download an image that QSonix can use. Usually something like a folder.jpg or cover.jpg is the standard. If not maybe it needs embedded images.


As IvanDobsky mentioned, you’ll likely need to reverse engineer the web API calls that your local server made to QSonix. I participated in doing a similar project with the Zune API’s and Microsoft’s metaservices API’s (the latter being for WMP 7-12), although those projects are only half done. After you figure out what endpoints are being called and the request that is being made, I’d suggest looking at the web archive to see if anyone captured responses back in the day. Additionally, I’d look around online to see if someone has already started a revival project (you don’t want to be reinventing the wheel if someone else has already started reinventing it). This will take time to complete a project like this, but for others who own a QSonix as well, they’d likely appreciate it.