I usually add relationship to recordings and works from Discogs, but they have some types of releationship that I cannot find on MusicBrainz.
Most of them are “contractor”, “leader” and “toy”, I have no idea what those are. There are also some types of relationship that have extra information on them that it’s not possible to put it on MusicBrainz, so I don’t know how to proceed. For example: “Recorded By [Additional Vocals]” (should I just put “recorded by”?), “Engineer [Vocals, Additional]” (there’s no sub-category of engineer that describes this) and also “Producer [Vocals]” (what’s the difference between vocals arranger and vocals producer?)
That seems to be literally a children’s toy. I’d use “other instruments” with the free text credit “squeaky toy”.
They seem to all be violinists, so it’s probably “leader” in the idea of “concertmaster”.
No clue.
The “vocals” bit needs to go on the annotation, I’m afraid - you’re right that we don’t have a good way to indicate it. Additional can be marked normally.