Clickable link on these forum pages to Musicbrainz?

A clickable link to Musicbrainz (or Metabrainz if necessary) from these forum pages would help my workflow.

Or am I missing an existing one?
I find the one coming from Musicbrainz to here very handy.


We experimented a bit with adding some links somewhere in the interface to the other *Brainz sites. If you look at the source code, you will see I left a number of HTML comment notes for @Leo_Verto. I guess this kind of got sidetracked at some point.

I’ve made an OTHER ticket for now:


Also, some of the categories have links to their respective projects in their descriptions:

The ones that don’t probably should have… But I agree that it would be good to have links in the interface everywhere, which is what the ticket is about.

Bumping this.

Assisting editors to move quicker between forum and editing will make for a more positive user experience.
And demonstrate yet again that MB is a vibrant organisation responsive to UX issues.

The ticket (currently unassigned) now has one vote and two watchers.

Let’s get this moai out of the quarry and erected on the platform.

Photographer: Chris malebran. Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-SA 4.0