Classical or not classical: edge case

We have here a Release that has been entered (or corrected, by @reosarevok) based on classical CSG guidelines. An editor is now changing this to some hybrid form, mixing composers and performers. I’d like to have some opinions on how to treat such Releases

Thank you for pointing out this edit. I voted No. To spark discussion, I’ll post here what I put in the note about my No vote:

We have two general styles for Track Artists on MusicBrainz, a general Track Artist Style (in Style / Release - MusicBrainz under heading Track Artist), and a Classical Track Artist style (Style / Classical / Track Artist - MusicBrainz). The general Track Artist Style is to set the Track Artist and Recording Artist to the same as the Release Artist. The Classical Track Artist style is to set the Track Artist to the composer and the Recording Artist to the performers. This edit does neither. Thus I vote No.

Should this release follow the Classical Style Guidelines or the general Style Guidelines? One of the telltales of the classical tradition is that the composer is generally granted higher status then the performers. The cover art for this release gives the composer names higher on the cover, in larger letters, than the performer names. That indicates that it follows the classical tradition. Also, the previous entries for this release appear to follow the Classical Style Guidelines. For these two reasons, I lean to leaving the release in the Classical Style Guidelines.

I also invited the editor to start a thread in this forum about what they are trying to accomplish. We might be able to help them find a better way to accomplish it.

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I tend to agree with @Jim_DeLaHunt on this particular case. on the front cover, George Gershwin is even credited twice, and the larger of the two credits is as a composer (alongside Grofé), not as a pianist. feels pretty Classical™ to me…

also, tagging the others in the edit notes, @tillywilly and @tigerman325

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This is also released on Pearl, primarily a classical label, although they have released some things that aren’t classical. I would consider this a classical release, it looks exactly like the classical discs on the label in the ways composers and performers are credited on the back cover.

I have already agreed to CSG style
my concern is track artist, which I have clearly explained at the edit in question
I do not want musicbrainz to be like discogs, with releases filed under numerous designations.
We can keep the original artist name and file in one central place at the same time.
Is there an objection to this strategy?

Classical or not classical: edge case see my response

It looks to me like the real question is how to represent facts around Paul Whiteman. I have created a new topic for that: Proper usage of Artist entries for Paul Whiteman and related groups?. Let’s continue the discussion there.

We don’t know each other, but you seem like a nice person, and a knowledgeable editor, so I am going to humor you this time. The questions you are asking take a lot of time to answer, and I wonder how many people are interested in Paul Whiteman. I already posted info to the new thread, so I guess we will find out.