tl;dr: if more users would just use the data, maybe more artist/event organisers, would add their own data.
the whole music brainz is site is very interresting from a data standpoint.
but the website isn’t made for end users (who just want to view add stuff to collections)
the whole site is made around the adding of data.
i think if there would be a more ui friendly way of viewing the data for users, so they can see the data, collect the artists they like, collect the albums they own, collect the events they attend,… that venues/artists/event organisers might try to keep it up to date them selfs.
and then the data would be more correct + comming right from the source.
the api is all nice but since you can only request 1 thing per second is very slow.
while the website is much faster because it talks to the database directly.