Add track number to title song

If I understand you correctly, yes it is possible. In fact, it might even be the default naming script in Picard. The typical starting point for file naming script in Picard is something like:

%albumartist%/%album%/$if($gt($if2(%totaldiscs%,1),1),$if2(%discnumber%,1)-,)$num($if2(%tracknumber%,1)) %title%

This will rename your files and organize them by album artist and album, and include two-digit track number (and the disc number if from a multi-disc set) at the start of the track title. For example:

Queen/Queen Forever/1-06 You're My Best Friend.mp3

For the full set of script functions see Scripting Documentation and for the available tags, see Tags Documentation.

You might also want to have a look at one or both of the following threads for more ideas regarding Picard file naming scripts: