Acoustid Server stops responding

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

According to everything seems to work as expected.

I also got errors on the website, yesterday night and this morning.

It seems to just be back up.

I’ve been getting the internal server error message every time I try to access an acoustid for the past week or so. Status says it’s fine, but I can’t get to, for example.

@lukz Do we currently still have a problem with AcoustID-Server?
(2020-09-04, 16:30 MEZ)

… BEAAYAYQhhikoHAEAGSGUEYAAZIVRAgnCAA&duration.212=388&mbid.212=44d7931a-7ce5-4a8a-a7a4-70d75eb4df74&client=v8xxxxxx&clientversion=2.4.4.final0&format=json’
D: 16:31:01,695 webservice.ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:113: (‘’, 80): First request
D: 16:31:01,695 webservice.ratecontrol.increment_requests:138: (‘’, 80): Incrementing requests to: 1
D: 16:31:02,523 webservice.ratecontrol.decrement_requests:146: (‘’, 80): Decrementing requests to: 0
E: 16:31:02,524 webservice._handle_reply:407: Network request error for Error transferring - server replied: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (QT code 401, HTTP code 500)
E: 16:31:02,525 acoustid.manager._batch_submit_finished:134: AcoustID: submission failed with error 'Error transferring - server replied: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR’: internal error
D: 16:31:02,527 acoustid.manager._batch_submit:100: AcoustID: submitted all fingerprints
D: 16:31:02,527 webservice.ratecontrol._slow_down:194: (‘’, 80): slowdown; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; ssthresh: 0; cws: 1.000

@lukz Current problems also reported on this other thread

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This is really a great monitoring system !!!
All systems operational

Good night