AcoustID not showing up on releases I add


It seems I have same issue with some new releases I added.
ex: Release “สิบหกปี แห่งความหลัง” by สุรพล สมบัติเจริญ - MusicBrainz

I tried sent multiple times but still no fingerprints linked to it.

And compare to upper case it doesnt seem to have another recording already linked with that AcoustIDs.
The sending function seems to work as by testing on a recording already linked to an AcoustIDs I can see the number of Sources increasing.

Is it a computation problem on server side like last time or something else?


EDIT 2022-06-28: Continuing on Picard can't match AcousticID of a track, but the AcousticID is added - #4 by ulugabi