Access to annotation when adding new artist/label/

Not sure this was ever brought up before:

I think the annotation field should be shown whenever adding a new artist, label, place, …
Often at the point I add a new artist (mostly when adding a release) I have some information readily available that should go to the annotation. But because on creating a new entry, it is not an available field, I need to take care to add it later.

A lot of times, by the time I’m finished with all info for the release, I forget about it, or I already have closed the resources I opened to create the new entry.

Was this ever considered before?


It’s there?


@RustyNova - your screen shot if from an Add Release page. OP was asking about Add ARTIST or LABEL.

Half the time I don’t even get the External Links option if I am adding an artist from an Edit Relationships page.

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Oh. Derp. But yeah that would be useful


Best place to search for these kinds of suggestions is the ticket platform:

Doesn’t look like it’s been suggested? You can make a new ticket :grin:

On the topic of tickets, is that the issue in this ticket? Been bugging me for ages…


3 posts were split to a new topic: Missing External Links option

I always wonder, when do I need to Pick “MusicBrainz Style” and when “MusicBrainz Server”?

This is MusicBrainz Server.

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I created a ticket:


Style is for non-code decisions. Adding a new relationship, changing a guideline, adding a medium format or a genre are the kind of things that belong there. Stuff that involves changing website code is Server (and if you have a doubt whether something involves changing code, don’t worry too much, we can always move it to the other project if needed).