So I’ll start a try on last “Notes from #MetaBrainz Meeting” and you say if I’m right or wrong? Just for fun/showing the dilemma I added others in parantheses.
- PR <==> Pull Request (others)
- RL <==> ???
- ImmutableJS <==> immutable.js
- pg perf <==> Profiling with perf - PostgreSQL
- DB <==> Database (others)
- MB <==> MusicBrainz / MessyBrainz (others)
- MBS <==> MusicBrainz Server (others)
- GDPR <==> General Data Protection Regulation (others)
- MeB <==> ???
- LB <==> ListenBrainz (others)
- CB <==> CritiqueBrainz (others)
- AB <==> AcousticBrainz (others)
- WIP <==> work in progress (others)
- BB <==> BookBrainz (others)