A new MusicBrainz user script was released

Yes, adding a-tisket links to an already existing release was an example which I ran into frequently and was the main reason I created the script, but it works for any collection of links. Apologies for taking a while to answer, I was busy with other cool stuff. On that topic…

Enhanced Cover Art Uploads

Well, not really a new script, in fact, many of you will have it installed already :slight_smile: The userscript formerly known as Prince, uh, “Upload to CAA from URL” has been reborn as “Enhanced Cover Art Uploads” as its feature set now far exceeds what it used to do, and the title didn’t do it justice anymore. In a nutshell:

  • ImageMaxURL has been integrated into the userscript, so if you paste a URL, it will attempt to transform it into the largest possible version.
  • It’s now enabled on a-tisket and adds a link to the covers displayed on a-tisket to automatically send it to the script (saves you a couple of steps in uploading cover art from a-tisket’s post-submit screen).
  • You can now paste links to Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, Bandcamp, and Discogs, and it will search for covers in those pages and add them to the upload queue. Where possible, types are filled as well. Supported providers are documented here, and here’s a list of providers that aren’t available yet, but will be added in the future. I’ve definitely missed some popular ones, so let me know if there’s any others that you’d like to see added.
  • If you dislike copying and pasting, there are also buttons! Specifically, URLs to supported providers that are attached to the release get a button for one-click image import. It looks like this:

    So if you’ve got a release that’s linked to a Discogs release which has 43 images, all it takes is a single button click to add them all to the upload queue!

There is a bit of a caveat, though: To enable these changes, I had to significantly overhaul the script. I won’t go into too much technical details, but I made some changes that make it a lot easier for me to write the code, while still ensuring maximum compatibility with older browsers. As a result, the URL to the script itself has changed, so there is a possibility you might need to reinstall it, depending on your userscript engine and browser. It auto-updated fine during my testing, but YMMV. The current version is 2021.9.21. You might also notice that the script is now “minified” and just looks like random garbage, that’s completely normal and intended as a result of the development changes.

The new installation link is here: Install, source code

Finally, I’ve created a separate topic for support/feedback/questions/suggestions on this script and all of my others, which you can find here:

I’ll also be using that topic to post about smaller enhancements to other scripts when they arrive, so make sure to subscribe to it if you’re using any of my userscripts.


Freaking awesome!!! Wow. So many clicks saved.


Agreed - just tried this out on some older vinyl that usually only appear on discogs… Wow! Amazing job!


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: ROpdebee’s userscripts support thread

Import from Music Forest

Source | Install (GitHub)
Install (Greasy Fork) | Install (OpenUserJS)

Import releases from Music Forest into MusicBrainz.

Import from THBWiki

Source | Install (GitHub)
Install (Greasy Fork) | Install (OpenUserJS)

Import releases from THBWiki into MusicBrainz.


To celebrate the new year, I have released two new userscripts which should help you to add spoken vocals and copyright relationships faster. These are also teasers for the features which are still to come: Partially automated parsing of plain text credits and importing of (all) relationships from other sites like Discogs.

As a bonus I have finally released a few bookmarklets which I have been using for a while now and which had been buried in my (formerly private) feature branch for the above userscripts:


Not a new script but an old one that was apparently never mentioned here has a useful update for people dealing with parent works and subworks (mostly classical I guess with symphony/movements and opera/acts).

The Guess work/load subworks script is helping a lot to fill automatically the “edit relationships” page when consecutive tracks correspond to consecutive subworks of a parent work but has trouble dealing with tracks not corresponding exactly to the parent work structure:

  • there was a way to deal with a subwork split between different tracks (marking them as “partial recording”)
  • there was no way to deal with several subworks associated to the same track and this was solved in the new version 2022.1.28

There’s also an infobox 🛈 in the script now to explain what syntax the script expects for the different cases above


Artist Credits Helper

Split and fill artist credits, append character voice actor credit, and guess artists from track titles.


Export Brainz ratings (to a JSON flat file) is a very interesting userscript, written by @HebPlacesAGehen:

// ==UserScript==
// @name     Export Brainz ratings
// @version  1.1
// @include  /^https://musicbrainz.org/user/\w+/ratings/recording/
// @grant    GM.getValue
// @grant    GM.setValue
// ==/UserScript==

function download(filename, text) {
	var element = document.createElement('a');
	element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
	element.setAttribute('download', filename); element.style.display = 'none';
	document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element);
(async () => {
	let ratingDict = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue("ratings", "{}"));
	let $ratingContainers = document.querySelectorAll(".inline-rating"); for(let $ratingContainer of $ratingContainers){
		let $ratingEl = $ratingContainer.querySelector(".remove-rating");
		if(!$ratingEl){ continue }
		// Get rating
		let rating = Number.parseInt($ratingEl.text);
		// Get recordingId
		let $container = $ratingContainer.parentElement;
		let $anchor = $container.querySelector('a[href^="/recording"]');
		if(!$anchor){ continue }
		let recordingId = $anchor.href.split("/").pop(-1);
			ratingDict[recordingId] = rating * 0.2;
			//console.log(`${recordingId} rated ${rating}`);
	await GM.setValue("ratings", JSON.stringify(ratingDict));
	// Get next page
	let $nextPage = document.querySelector("ul.pagination li:last-child a");
		window.setTimeout(() => $nextPage.click(), 1000);
	} else {
		download("ratings.json", JSON.stringify(ratingDict, null, "\t"));

It does so much with a so small code!

I have just changed this JSON.stringify small parameter to get a more human readable download file:

--		download("ratings.json", JSON.stringify(ratingDict));
++		download("ratings.json", JSON.stringify(ratingDict, null, "\t"));

Apparently this is an old script, but @SothoTalKer just added it to the userscript wiki page so I tried it out. Pretty cool!

Display shortcut for relationships on MusicBrainz


“Display clickable icons, without opening each entity page, for release-group, release, recording and work external links: e.g. Amazon, Bandcamp, Discogs etc”


Hi all

I would like to download this script but I dont know how. Cant find it on the Userscript Wiki Page.

It’s on the ‘official’ userscript wiki page, rather than Colbydrays personal one (who still gets all the credit for making up 90% of the ‘official’ one)

Edit: Oh, maybe you couldn’t find it because I changed the name to something shorter, to not gunk up the list? Maybe I shouldn’t have done that!
It’s in there as ‘Shortcuts to external links’


Hi Aerozol

Thank you for the info. I have found it :slight_smile:

Ps. very happy with this User Script. Thank you again

1 Like

EDIT: don’t use this, see the post below

This isn’t really specific to MB but it might be helpful. I created a tiny script to remove the prompt on Tidal (specifically on listen.tidal.com, not tidal.com) that asks you to sign up/log in, so you can view credits without creating an account.

GitHub (click the ‘Raw’ button to install)

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Remove Tidal sign up/log in prompt
// @namespace   cherryblossom.dev
// @description Remove the sign up/log in prompt on Tidal
// @supportURL  https://gist.github.com/cherryblossom000/5dbf2de13b4d0084f49509533431c450
// @downloadURL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/cherryblossom000/5dbf2de13b4d0084f49509533431c450/raw/rm-tidal-login-prompt.user.js
// @match       https://listen.tidal.com/*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0.0
// @author      cherryblossom
// ==/UserScript==

const waitFor = async selector =>
	new Promise(resolve => {
		const existing = document.querySelector(selector)
		if (existing) return resolve(existing)
		new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
			const added = mutations.flatMap(m => [...m.addedNodes]).find(n => n.matches?.(selector))
			if (added) {
		}).observe(document.body, {subtree: true, childList: true})

waitFor('.ReactModalPortal').then(div => div.remove())

@jesus2099 pointed out to me that you can just use a Stylus userstyle instead:


This is staying installed after-all - much more useful than I thought it would be, even though it takes quite a wide chunk of the release tables!


Some simple tasks don’t need a userscript and can be done with a user stylesheet:


Batch Query AcoustID

Source | Install (GitHub)
Install (Greasy Fork) | Install (OpenUserJS)

Batch query AcoustID of recordings on release and collection page.