2 different titles for opera parts

Hi! I’m trying to sort out this opera: https://musicbrainz.org/work/548833a0-0fd5-4926-84c4-09e2c267212d . I’m running into some strange stuff: for some versions (like https://musicbrainz.org/release/6fcde736-5f54-48f0-8474-9a9af7e39502 ) some parts are in italian, while the rest is in german. For some others, all is in german: https://musicbrainz.org/release/3b20b0ee-257e-48ca-8269-7ae5664eae96 . Which should I use? So far I use the mixed, just because I ran into the mixed first.

Looking at the score (from the IMSLP page), it clearly is a mixture of Italian and German. The all-German release you linked to must be a German translation (at least judging from the first track). I guess this has to be a new (related) work?

Should I put them as part of the original opera or should I create a new one and some parts will be in both? I’m not feeling comfortable with leaving opera parts alone.

Just a new work for each translated subwork? (Assuming the same-language parts are actually the same…)

Just create a new version. If some parts are in both, then they are, that’s fine :slight_smile: